
About Us

Who We Are?

Welcome to Ahmed Yousef & Hassan Abdulla Co. (AYHACO)! Your top spot for excellent building materials since 1973 in the UAE.

We're not just one company; we're a bunch of them. AYHACO Gypsum Products Manufacturing has been creating fantastic gypsum products in Dubai since 2001. But here's the thing – we're not just about gypsum. We supply all kinds of building materials with care and skill.

We're not only in Dubai; we're all over the place - in the UAE, Thailand, China, and more. We want our building materials to be part of projects everywhere, from the Middle East to Africa and beyond.

AYHACO isn't just about making things; we're also into creating, working, trading, and investing in projects and companies dealing with lots of building materials.

And here's some exciting news – we offer 'door to port' service to make your life easier.

We're not just saying our stuff is good; it's officially recognized. Our building materials meet super high standards, making them a trusted choice for projects all around the world.

Why choose AYHACO? Because we're all about keeping it simple and supplying really good building stuff. Come with us on a journey where great quality meets lasting solutions for projects and wholesale needs all over the world.

AYHACO building materials supplier
AYHACO building materials supplier
What We Did?
In the last decade, AYHACO has achieved significant milestones, reflecting our commitment to excellence and innovation in the building materials sector
50+Years of Experience
15+Countries Supplied